Meet the Founder
I am a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and FDN Practitioner who runs functional labs and uses my training in stength and conditioning, sport and performance psychology, and personal cheffing to create customized diet, exercise, recovery, and stress management plans to optimize people's energy and body composition. I help people understand their current hormone levels, digestion funtion, and foods that best support their unique demands. Through education and lifestyle modifications, I support clients along their journey toward increased vitality so they can achieve their health and performance goals.
- Katie Hardie
Sleep is an often overlooked necessary component to achieving optimal performance and health. I used to sit in the “you can sleep when you’re dead” camp and then realized once you hit your 40’s, some of those recovery robbing practices from your 20’s and 30’s cumulatively catch up with you in the form of low hormone production, suboptimal gut functioning, or energy dips. Dig into Matthew Walker’s book and learn how quality sleep can impact you.
These physicians discuss the influence of pharmaceutical companies on our current medical system, research, policy, and practice, and how these factors impact patient care. They also delve into the significance of the microbiome on health (check out the last few “Look at a Lab” posts for real-world insights on our gut bacteria and what that looks like on a GI-MAP stool test) and how it affects the immune system, mood, and metabolism. It’s a great listen while you’re traveling over the holiday weekend or kicking off the next work week!